Why Choose To Book Direct With An Owner?

Why Choose To Book Direct With An Owner?

When it comes to booking a short-term rental, there are a variety of platforms to choose from. Two of the most popular options are VRBO and Airbnb. However, booking directly with a host — or owner — can offer several benefits over booking through these platforms.

1. Lower costs

One of the biggest benefits of booking directly is lower costs. When booking through VRBO or Airbnb, both the host and guest are charged service fees, which can add up to a significant amount. By booking directly, you can avoid these fees and potentially negotiate a lower price for your stay.

2. Personalized service

Booking directly allows for more direct communication with the host, which can lead to more personalized service. The host or property manager can offer recommendations on local attractions, dining options, and more. They can also work with you to customize check-in and check-out times, accommodate special requests, and provide a more tailored experience.

3. More direct communication

When booking through VRBO or Airbnb, communication is often limited to the messaging system within the platform. Booking directly allows for more direct communication with the host or property manager. This can be especially helpful if you have any issues or concerns that need to be addressed during your stay. Many times, you will only have access to a property manager, callcenter, or booking office when booking a property through Vrbo or Airbnb, with no access to the actual owner.

4. More accurate understanding of the property

When booking through a third-party platform, the description of the property can sometimes be inaccurate or misleading. Booking directly allows for a more detailed and accurate understanding of the property, including its exact location, features, and amenities.

5. Less cancellations

Booking directly with a host or property manager can also help to reduce the likelihood of cancellations. When booking through a third-party platform like Airbnb or VRBO, hosts may sometimes cancel bookings due to various reasons, such as double-booking or changes to their availability. However, when you book directly, you have more direct communication with the host and can establish a more personal relationship. This can lead to a higher level of accountability and reliability, as hosts are more likely to prioritize direct bookings and work to avoid cancellations. 

6. Supporting local businesses

Finally, booking directly supports local businesses and the local community. When you book through VRBO or Airbnb, a portion of your payment goes to a large, global corporation. By booking directly, you can support the local economy and help ensure that your money stays in the community.

In conclusion, while there are certainly benefits to booking through VRBO or Airbnb, booking directly with a host can offer a more personalized, cost-effective, and community-oriented experience. When considering your next short-term rental, be sure to explore all your options and weigh the benefits of booking directly.

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